Reunião OMTh :: Criação da ALATh Assoc.Latinoamericana de Thermalismo

Levico Terme – Italy

meeting held on 23rd October 2014 in Levico Terme


The OMTh Managing Committee, elected by the General Assembly on 14th June in Cuntis (Spain) during the 41st SITH International Congress and of the XI World Day of Hydrotherapy, was held on 23rd October 2014 in the OMTH headquarters, in Levico Terme.
The participants discussed the main guidelines to be followed in order to improve the growth and the development of hydrotherapy in the various geographical areas, on the basis of the “model” developed and specified during a number of conferences, meetings and initiatives that started on the Meeting held between 14th and 16th October 2005 in Levico Terme.
On that occasion Europe had been identified as a significant point of reference and we had outlined the guidelines hydrotherapy had to build upon. In particular we had insisted on the possibility for all EU citizens to choose within the EU the thermal center most suitable to their therapeutic needs.
After a long and regrettably lonely course, a “utopia” came true: the EU Directive 24/2011 about the application of the patients’ rights in cross-border healthcare, that came into force on 25th October 2013 and was transposed into national law by all Member States.......


Consolidating the presence OMTh in Latin America is one of our main objectives. Our commitment has already been reflected in official relationships with local Institutions, as well as in a number of conferences, meetings, participation to industry exhibitions in Brazil, Argentina and Colombia, but it must be extended to all the other countries. The establishment of the Thermal Association of Latin America (ALATh) was approved, initially made up of the thermal associations in Brazil, Argentina and Colombia. Very soon it will be extended to all Latin America and in this way it will improve a concrete development of the spa and health industry in that continent. The new association will have its headquarters in Firmat (Santa Fe province) in Argentina. Doctor Fabio Lazzerini (Brazil) was appointed as president, Doctor Hugo Ficosecco (Argentina) was appointed as vice president and Doctor Lisbo Justo (Colombia) was appointed as Director.

Spas and research are an inseparable combination.
Through the MoU signed with ISMH - International Society of Medical Hydrology and Climatology - it will be possible to enhance further cooperation and exchange initiatives with the scientific community, which is essential for the future development of the spa and health industry.
The OMTh Managing Committee believes that new potential targets and directions have been identified during this meeting. We do hope that the commitment of all of us will create the best conditions promoting an active, original and future oriented spa and health industry.

Via Parco delle Terme , 3 – c/o Apt Valsugana – 38056 Levico Terme tel 0461727707 e mail –


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