OMTh Brazil News 2013/May
Geol. Fabio Lazzerini
Vice President OMTh
Vice President OMTh
Featuring 12.6% of world freshwater resources overall (Aquastat, 2010) and a lot of that still preserved or even unknown; Brazil seeks the best strategies for this governance, in the challenging path of sustainable development.
This natural endowment comes gradually and inevitably, catching the attention of many economic, social and governmental sectors to the Thermalism. Besides the rich hydrodiversity coexisting factors and other interesting resources potentially therapeutic in nature, such as mud untouched, monazite sand, climates unique to the tropical hydroclimatism, evapotranspiration of native forests, scenic landscapes with emanations typical of Precambrian rocks and among others highlights a vast coastal environment with salty air and warm Atlantic waters.
For Thalassotherapy activities we can further highlight the global anomalies here existing related to albedo, electromagnetic radiation, aerosol and rainfall humidity, which can be spatially observed at ( ).
Beyond the integrative health practices, that has been implemented in the country with strong government support through complementary alternative medicine (CAM), included the social hydrotherapy/crenotherapy; where OMTh attending lecture in the event: "I Northeastern Meeting on Integrative and complementary health (PICs NE): for Reconstruction Model of Care (
The national tourism is rapidly evolving, due to forthcoming major international events, the good economic times and tranquility on terrorism. In this regard, it is noteworthy that there are no earthquakes, tsunamis, volcanoes, hurricanes or tornadoes in Brazil and its inhabitants are considered maximum multi-active index according to the Lewis Model of Culture for encouraging effective intercultural communication ( ).
So OMTh participated with the Ministry of Tourism and Brazilian SPA Association, in the specification of basic guidelines about health tourism and wellness ( ).
Given the recommendation (UNESCO, 2013) for cooperative activities related to the "Blue Gold", at last "Water Day" OMTh was presented the talk about "Biomolecule H2O"; especially to the Water Week Festival in the important Brazilian Thermal Ranch from Águas de Lyndoia/SP.
Whereas knowledge about balneotherapy intent to support the urban health environment through premium waters utilities. Then we noticed by UN! (
Also related to the environmental conservation, OMTh start your participation, during the next five years, to the technical cooperation agreement “CET-Water”; were transdisciplinary researches and actions concerning to water, will be developed. Institutions which also participate in this project: Brazilian Ministry of Environment (MMA), National Water Agency (ANA), University of Brasilia (UNB), Federal University of Santa Catarina (UFSC), World Wildlife Fund (WWF), and others ( ).
And Next: V THERMAL MEETING OMTh BRAZIL we waiting for you in Caldas de Cipó/BA/BRA.
( ).
Thermal Regards!
OMTh - Organização Mundial de Termalismo
BRASIL – Notícias Maio/2013
Geol. Fabio Lazzerini
Vice Presidente
Possuindo 12,6% dos recursos totais de águas do mundo (Aquastat, 2010) e muito disto ainda preservado ou mesmo desconhecido; o Brasil busca as melhores estratégias para esta governança, no difícil caminho do desenvolvimento sustentável.
Esta dotação natural vêm gradualmente e de maneira inevitável, chamando a atenção de diversos segmentos econômicos, sociais e governamentais para aproveitamentos do termalismo. Além da rica hidrodiversidade, coexistem outros interessantes fatores e recursos de natureza potencialmente terapêutica, como: lamas intocadas, areia monazítica, climas exclusivos para o hidroclimatismo tropical, evapotranspirações de matas nativas, paisagens pitorescas com emanações típicas de terrenos pré-cambrianos e entre outros se destaca um imenso litoral com maresia ambiental e águas mornas atlânticas.
Para a talassoterapia se pode ainda destacar as anomalias globais aqui existentes do albedo, radiações eletromagnéticas, aerosol e umidade das chuvas; que podem ser observados globalmente em (
Além das práticas integrativas de saúde que vem se implementando no país com forte apoio governamental em complementary alternative medicine (CAM), incluso o termalismo social/crenoterapia; onde a OMTh estará participando do evento: “I Encontro Nordestino de Práticas Integrativas e Complementares em Saúde (PICs NE): Pela Reconstrução do Modelo de Cuidado”. (
O turismo evolui rapidamente, em função de próximos grandes eventos internacionais, o bom momento econômico e a tranquilidade relativa ao terrorismo. Neste sentido, vale ressaltar que não existem terremotos, tsunamis, vulcões, furacões ou tornados no Brasil e seus habitantes são considerados de maximum multi-active index de acordo com the Lewis Model of Culture for encouraging effective intercultural communication (
Assim a OMTh participou junto ao Ministério do Turismo e Associação Brasileira de SPAs, da elaboração do caderno de orientações básicas do turismo de saúde e bem estar (
Given the recommendation (UNESCO, 2013) for cooperative activities related to the “blue gold”, at last “Water Day” OMTh was presented a palestra “Biomolecule H2O” especially to the Water Week Festival in the important Brazilian thermal ranch Águas de Lyndoia/SP. Whereas knowledge about balneotherapy intent to support a health urban environment através deste uso premium da water, we was UN notice! (
Ainda relacionado ao meio ambiente, a OMTh estará participando nos próximos cinco anos, do acordo de cooperação técnica CET-Água, foram pesquisas e ações relativas à água transdisciplinares será desenvolvido. Instituições que também fazem parte deste projeto: Ministério do Meio Ambiente (MMA), National Water Agency (ANA), University of Brasilia (UNB), Federal University of Santa Catarina (UFSC), World Wildlife Fund (WWF), and others (
E o próximo encontro “ V MEETING THERMAL OMTh BRASIL” estamos esperando por você em Caldas de Cipó / BA / BRA. ( ).
Saudações termais !