Dear colleagues,
this newsletter is being published in a peculiar moment, when the year 2012 is coming to an end. It has been a fruitful year of work, during which our organizations took part to several institutional activities. It has guaranteed the performance of the main statutory commitments considered as a point of reference by all those involved in the spa industry, with communication initiatives such as the publication of regular newsletter in English and Italian, stable relationships at national and international level, participation at meetings and conferences about hydrothermalism in Italy, in Europe and in different geographical areas, as described below.
All our efforts seem to achieve concrete results: at this stage we would like to thank all our colleagues for their active collaboration.
Finally, we would like to wish all of you, on behalf of our Councils, as well a very Merry Christmas and a happy Year 2013 to all of you and your families.
Andres Campos Ennio Gori
SITh President OMTh President
OMTh President Gori was invited to participate on 25 February 2012 at the National Meeting "Thermal baths and Spa’s, a new welfare for our country", in Montecatini Terme - Terme Excelsior, organized by ANCOT – the National Association of Thermal Muni cipalities - in the presence of Prof. Adelfo Cardinal - Assistant Secretary for thermal problems at the Ministry of Health - the Tuscan Regional tourism and health Councillors, many important decision makers and spa industry experts.
The meeting aimed to urge the Government and the Region to provide adequate response to the crisis of the spa industry, by upgrading the Law 323/2000 on the reorganization of the spa industry. In his speech President Gori provided a detailed analysis of the current situation of spa treatments in different geographical areas and underlined the decisive opportunities for the sector offered by the practical application of European Directive nr. 2011/24, starting from October 2013.
EUREGIO (European Region Tyrol-South Tyrol-Trentino)
On the occasion of the conference "New Frontiers of European health care system - free movement of patients in the European Union between public and private", held on 24th September 2011 in Levico Terme, President Gori asked the Provincial Health Councillor, Dr. Ugo Rossi, to assess whether the EU Directive nr. 2011/24, coming into force from October 2013, could be anticipated in the Euregio in accordance with the provision of Article.10, paragraph 3, which reads:
"The Commission encourages Member States, in particular neighboring countries, to conclude agreements among themselves. The Commission also encourages Member States to cooperate in the provision of cross-border healthcare in border regions. "
We believe that the Euregio, as a cross-border region of particular importance, could allow its citizens to freely access to the thermal healthcare treatments provided within its own territory.
On March 30th, 2012, on request of OMTh, Ugo Rossi organized a meeting in the offices of the Province of Trento. On that occasion they discussed and decided what the following technical steps would be in order to solve the main problems. Later on the discussion moved to the upper level, the EURAC - Euregio - Tyrol - South Tyrol - Trentino. Indeed, on 30th March, 2011 the "Dreiländertag" (joint session of the legislative assemblies of the Autonomous Province of Bolzano, the Tyrol and the Autonomous Province of Trento, with the Voralberg as observer) had approved a motion relating to the protection and enhancement of thermal and healing resources and – in order to implement this decision, Regional Councillor Renzo Anderle had developed a draft project on the development and coordination of the spa-offers in the Euregio. In this context came the OMTh initiative that, if implemented, would have a particular relevance.
We decided to establish a working group coordinated by Dr. Elena Alberti EGCC / EURAC composed of representatives from the Departments of Health of three provinces: Trentino, South Tyrol and Tyrol, the OMTh, represented by President Gori and OMTh Councillor, Carlo Stefenelli and Regional Councillor Renzo Anderle. The group met at the EURAC headquarters on 19th June 2012, in Bolzano and later on – 6 th September 2012 – 15 th October 2012 and on 6th December 2012, the next meeting being scheduled on 12th October 2013.
After extensive and thorough discussion, characterized by exchanges of memoranda between the different components, was finally approved the "Memorandum of Understanding on cooperation and enhancement of thermal resources in Eurregio". In paragraph 6, in the conclusions, you can read:
The Parties commit themselves to - Omissis
"6) support, within the Euregio, the conclusion of agreements for access to outpatient therapeutic thermal performances between national healthcare organizations and thermal spa’s, while respecting the national jurisdictions which they belong to." The signing of the protocol is scheduled on the occasion of conference on "Hydrothermalism in the Euregio" to be held on 21st February 2013 in Comano Terme (Trentino).
The representatives of the three provinces will ensure to offer the timely approval of the protocol by their Provincial Government.
The memorandum of understanding is of great importance for the spa industry in the Euregio as its citizens will be the first ones in Europe to get the chance to freely access to the thermal healthcare treatments provided in the cross-border region, also in compliance with the provisions of EU Directive 2011/24 which will come into force in October 2013. The problem posed by OMTh at the Conference of Levico on 24th September 2011, will soon be solved. This gives us great satisfaction as we will propose it as an example of innovative thermal policy in different geographical areas.
At this stage we would like to thank Mr. Carlo Stefenelli, OMTh Councillor, for his constant support and collaboration. As soon as the Memorandum of Understanding will be formally approved, we will spread over the whole region such a positive, relevant news, which properly fits into the "new model of spas" developed by OMTh in its conferences.
BRAZIL testo in attesa di Lazzerini
The 4th OMTh Thermal Meeting was held on 15th October 2012 in Santo Amaro da Imperatriz/SC and was organized by OMth, SBT – Brazilian Thermalism S ociety and ATHISC – Association of Hydrothermal Tourism Santa Caterina. This prestigious initiative is a truly honour not only for thermalism in Brazil but in the whole Latin America region.
The conference was very successful. Among its participants we find the State Secretary for Tourism and managers of thermal centers and baths representing three Brazilian States.
We can say that this event, taking place every year, can be considered as the basic point of reference for the medical tourism in Brazil. The next newsletter is containing an extensive and detailed description of this conference, representing both a commitment and a honour for OMTh.
TRADUÇÃO: A Assembléia do Quarto THERMAL MEETING BRAZIL OMTH, foi realizado em 15 de outubro de 2012 em Santo Amaro da Imperatriz / SC e foi organizado por nossa organização, SBT – Sociedade Brasileira de Termalismo e ATHISC - Assossiação de Turismo Hidrotermal de Santa Catarina. Esta iniciativa de prestígio é uma honra verdadeiramente não só para termalismo no Brasil, mas para toda a região da América Latina.
A conferência foi muito bem sucedida. Entre os seus participantes, encontramos o Secretário de Estado do Turismo e gestores de centros termais e banhos representando três estados brasileiros.
Podemos dizer que este evento, que vem se realizando todos os anos, pode ser considerado como o ponto básico de referência para o turismo médico no Brasil. O próximo boletim está contendo uma descrição ampla e detalhada da conferência, o que representa tanto um compromisso como uma honra para OMTh.
Relationships to Brazilian Federal Government
By a communication dating from 21st September 2012 our Brazilian delegation, efficiently and effectively lead by OMTh Vice President Lazzerini was invited to undertake the : “Acordo de Cooperacao do Atlas de Aguas Medicinais e Termalismo no Brasil”. Our participation to the working plan concerns the chapter “Produçao do Atlas de Agu as Medicinais e Termalismo no Brasil”.
This invitation confirms the efficiency of the initiatives and the activitites of OMTh and we obviously accepted it. We will make every effort to enhance the growth of thermalism in that large country.
TRADUÇÃO: Relações com Governo Federal
Por comunicação datada de 21 de setembro, 2012 nossa delegação brasileira, de forma eficiente e eficaz liderar pelo OMTh vice-presidente Lazzerini foi convidado para assumir a: "a Acordo de Cooperação edição do Atlas das Águas Medicinais e Termalismo no Brasil".
Este convite confirma a eficácia das iniciativas e os atividades da OMTh em todo Mundo e que obviamente será aceito. Faremos todos os esforços para aumentar o desenvolvimento do Termalismo neste grande país.
Informativo ABIH-SC – 614
ABIH-SC convoca Assembléia Geral
Encontro analisa fragilidades do termalismo
Organizadores e participantes comemoram o sucesso do IV Meeting OMTh, realizado segunda-feira (15), no Hotel Plaza Caldas, em Santo Amaro da Imperatriz, SC. Especialistas e autoridades destacaram os pontos fortes e as fragilidades do termalismo e concordaram que o Brasil precisa aproveitar melhor o potencial de suas águas termais. O sucesso esbarra na ausência de políticas públicas e na falta de profissionais para atuarem na área. Participaram do encontro, o presidente da Sociedade Brasileira de Termalismo, Dr. José Petri, o presidente da Santur, Valdir Walendowsky, a gerente de Políticas de Turismo da SOL, Elisa Santana de Liz, representando também o Ministério do Turismo e o presidente da ABIH-SC, João Eduardo Amaral Moritz, entre outros.
Santa Catarina é exemplo para o país
"Santa Cataria é, sem dúvida, o estado mais bem organizado no segmento e exploração das águas termais" elogiou o geólogo e palestrante Fábio Lazzerini. Ele apresentou um resumo de suas pesquisas, mostrando que desde 1780 as águas termais são prescritas pela medicina tradicional, sendo à base da farmacopéia mundial, citando o exemplo das termas gregas. Segundo ele "precisamos de farmacêuticos especializados para melhor aproveitar o potencial que o país dispõe". Lembrou ainda da necessidade de aproveitar as fontes como um todo, inclusive o clima, e não só as águas. O encontro foi comandado por Eduardo Mello, presidente da Associação de Turismo Hidrotermal de Santa Catarina (ATHISC).