29 and 30 November/2011 - Águas de Lindoia/SP/BRA - Hotel Monte Real

“Brazilian hottest forum about Hydrothermalism, Health Tourism, SPA and Healing Natural Resources”

Águas de Lindoia City Hall

... "At this year you’re invited to meet with professionals from various segments

related to the Hydrothermalism, were reporting his recent experiences and perspectives. Yes,

here in Brazil and this time more specifically in Águas de Lindoia Hydromineral Ranch,

important Water Circuit from São Paulo State.

Researchers, technicians, entrepreneurs, government representatives and

communities, talking about the possibilities and benefits that springs and other natural

resources can provide therapy to their lives, region and country sustainable development.

It will also be held to the practice of Hydrotherapy, scheduled to visit the local hot

springs, inhalation of gas "Radon SPA" therapy in public Emanatorium and "Salus Per Aqua

experience" through balneotherapy in the public city bathtubs... "

• Ah! All hydrothermal lectures will be FREE!

Best Regards

Geol. Fabio T Lazzerini - termalismo@terra.com.br - 55-19-34272870

www.omth.com - www.termasdobrasil.com.br - termalismobrasil.blogspot.com/

Dagnaldo de Araujo Silva - balnearioaguas@uol.com.br - 19-38246100 - www.aguasdelindoia.sp.gov.br

Ricardo Dalarme de Oliveira - ricardo@hotelmontereal.com.br - 19-39249200 – http://www.hotelmontereal.com.br/


29/11/2011 – 16:00 to 18:00

-Presentation and Judging to Cultural Contest "Letters & Drawings About
Marie Curie"
.Organization Neo Humanitarismo Universalista, ONH-U, Brazil.

- Exhibition and Dramatic Reading about Madam Curie moments

Poland – Brazil view

29/11/2011 – 19:00 to 22:00

Mr. Martinho Antonio Mariano
OPEN SECTION Aguas de Lindoia Major

Dr. José Peccinini Petri Brazilian Hydrothermalism recent history Eng., Pres. Soc. Braz. Hydrothermalism

Eng. Joaquim Correa Lima Thermae SPA in Guarani Aquifer, S.J. Rio Preto Pres. Thermas/SPA de S. J. Rio Preto/SP

Dr. Daniel Marcos Bonotto Waters Radioactivity Phys., IGEO-UNESP Rio Claro, Book Radioactive

Mr. Dagnaldo Araujo Silva Águas de Lindóia Baths Dir. SABF- Águas de Lindoia/SP public

Dr. Celso Henrique Marques Public SPA experiences throug alkaline sulphur
waters from ASP Med. (ASP) Aguas de São Pedro/SP

Dr. Paulo Flávio de Macedo Gouvêa
Peruibe Black Mud applications and Health Tourism relationship e
Med. Peruibe/SP public thalasso mud SPA

Mrs. Andreia Benati Dahdal PNP Integrative and Complementary Medicine LAPACIS/UNICAMP

Geol. Fabio Floriano Haesbaert
Entrepreneurs Joint venture to hydrogeologic regional research to hydrothermal Caldas Novas
aquifer Dir. AMAT-Caldas Novas/GO Hot Springs Geohealth

Mrs. Sylvia de Seganttini SPAs and Waters Circuits ABC SPAs representant in São Paulo Waters

Dr. Mauricio Gaspari Pupo Waters, Skincare and Cosmetology Pres. Consulfarma e Adatina Cosmestic

Geol. Fabio Tadeu Lazzerini Bioactive Compounds from Águas de Lindoia
Springs/SP/BRA  Vice-pres. World Hydrothermalism Organization

30/11/2011 – day (VIP = previous inscriptions)


10:00- Natural Spring Complex System: São Roque and Madame Curie Springs...; visit

and practice uses at public drinking sources and Radon (and Thorium) inalathion.

11:30- Bathtubs with local health professional team.


15:00- Walking visit to urban natural and hydrothermal touristic local sites.

18:00- Forum: Hydrothermalism at this region, Brazil and World point views. (Brazilian

Hydrothermalism Society).

30/11/2011 – 19:30 to 22:30

Mrs. Miriam Tozzi Bernardino Politicize and Tourist vocationby Aguas de
Lindoia Community history about Águas de Lindoia

Mrs. Regina E. Benati de Toledo Challenges in Integrative Medicin by Brazilian
Public Health System SUS Dir, Health system from Aguas de Lindoia city

Mr. Hilario Piffer Junior Consortium Sanitation CISB Water Circuit
Dr. Nélida Amélia Fontana Medicin and Natural Spring Waters Med. Anthroposophy, , vice-pres. SBT

Dr. Omar João Bergonzi Experiences of clinical practice with thermal water Med. Águas de Lindoia

Mrs. Angela Lazzerini e Selda Sousa Natural Thermal Cosmetics and Aesthetics and
SPA Health Cities (Resorts) sinergy Aest. Archi. ASP Thalasso-Thermal Natural

Mr. Thomas Haralyi Breidenbach Radon and Thorium from natural and thermal
spring waters Chem. Águas de Lindoia Bathtubs

Mr. Denis Augusto Mathias Hydrothermal city environment governance,
example Aguas de Lindoia Eng. Dir. environment and agriculture, Aguas de Lindoia/SP

Mr. Pedro Camilo Rieli Hydrothermal city environment governance,
example Aguas de Lindoia Dir. SAAE environment, Aguas de Lindoia/SP

Mr. Francisco Renzo P. Goulart Preamble and the process of settlement of Aguas
de Lindoia Ranch before Dr.Tozzi Prof. History.


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Estâncias Hidrominerais do Brasil

Como as ÁGUAS e RECURSOS THERMAIS podem contribuir para saúde pública & desenvolvimento sustentável de um país.