... Thermalism and SPA ...

Skin Rejuvenation Termalism and SPA Carbon Dioxide Therapy 26 - 28 November 2010 São Paulo - Brazil Thermalism and SPA I Symposium of the Brazilian Society of Thermalism The conference is organized under the auspices of the Sociedade Brasileira de Termalismo http://www.sbtermalismo.com.br/ www.esteticabrasil.com ou www.consensocarboxiterapia.com http://www.paulistaplaza.com.br/ http://www.goldentulippaulistaplaza.com/?Language=EN Program Friday, November 26 . 14 - 18 hs Opening and Plenary Sessions of the I Symposium of the Brazilian Society of Thermalism and SPA Friday, November 26 . 14 - 18 hs Live Demonstrations Session Hotel Golden Tulip Paulista Plaza Located in Jardins area, one block from Paulista Avenue, close to two subway stations - Paraiso and Brigadeiro -, near Ibirapuera Park, within walking distance from Paulista Fashion Mall, and easy access to other points of interest, ...